
Photos credits

Banner and footer

  • photos 1,2 and 3 banner ; photo footer:
    Pierre Terret, ECO, Jura Environnement – Insectes.
  • photo 4 banner:
    François Burthey

Page “Our activities”

  • Photo hiking:
    Natur’OdyssĂ©e jura
  • Photo snowshoeing; photo mountain biking:
    Nicolas Guitton, JWS Sarl
  • Photos nature interpretation:
    Valentin Barbier and Romain Flipo
  • Photo training :
    Pierre Terret, ECO, Jura Environnement – Insectes.
  • Photo special event and team building:
    Nicolas Guitton, JWS Sarl

Page “The 7 sites not to be missed”

  • Photo Mont d’Or; photo Grand Colombier:
    CRT Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
  • Photos Roche Bernard Roche Champion; photos Pic de l’Aigle; photos CrĂȘt Pela; photos CrĂȘt de la Neige; photo CrĂȘt de Chalam:
    Josiane Bertolini


Texts of the website:

  • Josiane Bertolini,
  • Romain Flipo,
  • Pierre Terret.


English translation:

  • Teresa Zakaria,
  • Romain Flipo.


Conception and supervision of the Website graphic design:

  • Romain Flipo,
  • Pierre Terret.


Webmaster and website design:

  • Romain Flipo.